QML - Create Your Own Adventure

Name Topic Used in Type
area Branching choice attribute
You can make a choice be a polygon shape of an image (a link of an image-map). In order to do so, first create the image-map with the program "webmap.exe" found in the tool folder. From the menu, use "Edit - Polygon". Save the final map to the clipboard, and from the QML-Edit menu use "Insert - Image map".
<image source="media/cary.gif"/>
<text>This is Cary Grant. You can click on his nose.

<choice station="nose" check="[visits(nose)] = 0"
   Cary Grant's nose
<choice station="ear">
   Cary Grant's ear is only available as link
</choice> <choice station="chin">
   Cary Grant's chin is only available as link